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Old February 7th, 2003, 01:00 PM
Allen Brown Allen Brown is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2001
Posts: 10
NTFS vs Fat 32

Ya Know, I really don't know how MTU set up this computer. I guess they'll have to answer that question about fat32.

As far as other anomolies:

When playing back audio - the screen frequently "flashes" and the on-screen VU meters peak to red. If I don't see it actually happen, I'll often just see the red peak indicator after a take which falsely leads me to believe there was a clip.

When over dubbing, if I hit the space bar to stop after a take, the screen goes stark white, with a few outlines of the ME graphics. Machine acts "stunned" but settles back on its own finally showing the "Segment Attributes" screen.

EQ is acting very squirrly. It works...sometimes. Sometimes it just "pops" when previewing a setting and that "pop" is what is output on the segment...not eq.

All this skiddishness is so foreign to me as I've grown so accustomed to working with ME as the rock-solid editor is has proven itself to be. I have a tentative feeling as I work now.
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