Well, it's an external burner. So, whatever happened was a direct result of the burner itself. It sits there all alone.

In any event I don't intend to blame MTU for it. They only cover for the 30 days. That's their policy. I get that. Im just upset because I've having difficulty getting in touch with the manufacturer and credit cards are getting charged for services that I didn't get. That's my beef right now. I'm a pretty fair guy. Treat me right and I'll go to bat for you. But, I get just as frustrated when I'm getting the run around and people should own up to what's theirs. Again, I'm referring to the manufacturer. Not MTU. Although, it would be nice to be able to actually speak to someone to find out if MTU has had any problems with the manufacturer or something? They did quit selling the burner for some reason. Maybe there is a hx of this happening with the burners. It would just be nice to speak to someone and find out.