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Old June 30th, 2010, 05:56 AM
George George is offline
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Re: Shadow Colour Selection (again)

That's a no brainer, but I don't care about that one. I used to, but have changed my perspective on it.

I have no problem with duets. I simply use BOY, GIRL, or BOTH, and em-space them with the first word of the appropriate line. Doesn't interfere with the sweep, and all things considered is probably easier on a singer than remembering what color they are supposed to use, as it gives them a prompt
when they are supposed to sing. No one in our Karaoke club has had a problem with it, and we've had less screw-ups when performing than when relying on colors on the commercial discs.

Thanks for the thought, Dale.

Anyway I wish I had an answer for Eddie, but I don't believe it's a bug in the program. I could be wrong, but two isolated failures in all these years doesn't look like a bug.
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