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CarlTruman January 15th, 2007 03:14 PM

Gearsec Error
i have had hoster version 3.110. for one year. but i bought a new computer
and mtu sent me a new registration code. but my computer will not fire up unless i'm switched on to the internet and then gearsec pops up. i also have gearsec in my hoster files can any one help me.

thanks, carl

bryant January 15th, 2007 04:27 PM

Maybe we can help you, but you must not assume that we all are informed of the jargon you describe as "gearsec"? Let us know what it is?

bobcox- with the Lord January 15th, 2007 05:09 PM

it is a dvd/cd copy software, gearworks.
also a spyware?? called gearsec.exe.
remove that and see if it dosnt help. Bob

mindonstrike January 15th, 2007 05:20 PM

I don't know about Hoster or other MTU products but some software does require gearsec.exe, Mixmeister for one. . This isn't comprehensive by any means but I found quite a few unnecesary processes in this list.

They are trying to sell repair software which I haven't purchased so I'm not endorsing anything, but there is good info here.


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