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Pastorterry March 15th, 2003 07:00 PM

Keyrite v1.202
I had a problem with Keyrite. When I imported the wave file the program locked up, and the play button just flickered. I thought that maybe the file was corrupt some how so I uninstalled it. When trying to reinstall it said the valadation number was invalid. I even copy and pasted the number you sent me and it still gave the same message. I installed a ethernet card so I could down load the new version of KHpro and it was working fine. I dont know if this will make any difference to the other MTU programs or not please help . Thanks and God Bless

George March 15th, 2003 07:18 PM

Try re-booting the computer before attempting re-install. Watch on copy and paste to make certain an extra character does not get included. It's easy to do. Otherwise, copy and paste is the surest method.

Take care,


Pastorterry March 15th, 2003 07:27 PM

Keyrite hangs up
I finally got the program to reinstall but it the program still up. When I try to play the file the preview button just flickers, and the program locks up. I have Athlon 900 with 512 memory. I saw on the forum someone else had the same problem but did not finf the solution. thanks

George March 15th, 2003 09:47 PM

Glad you got the program installed.
I have no idea why it is hanging up, but I do know your problem would be much easier to follow for someone who may have an answer for you if you would post within the same thread instead of opening a new thread for each post related to the same problem.
All you need do is click on POST REPLY to do so. When you open a new thread the person or persons trying to help you do not receive notification that you have responded and do or do not need further help.

Pastorterry March 16th, 2003 11:30 PM

problem not solved
I am sorry about the 2nd post I quess I dont know all the proper procedures about posting , But I would like for someone to help solve this problem. Thanks

Pastorterry March 17th, 2003 12:17 AM

Keyrite hangs
This is the steps I am going through
1. I select the file to be played
2. I press the preview play button
when I press this button it just flickers and the progran is then hanging
If I press one of the + or - keys it does the same thing. I have tried diffdrent song file's (.wav) and have the same results.
I can play the song file out of Micro Studio but I cannot change the key from there . while in Micro studio it does not show me the + and _ keys.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled this program . I dont think the program file that MTU emailed me is corrupt but It may be
hope someone has a remedy for me . Thanks I think I have given all the info I can for maybe a solution.

MTUSUPPORT March 20th, 2003 03:20 PM

Pastor Terry,
What program are you importing your .wav files off of the CD-Rom through? Please try this from Microstudio if you have it.

It could be that you have a bad .wav file or if you are converting from .wma, .mp3 or other compressed file formats, this could cause the problems.

Pastorterry March 23rd, 2003 02:36 AM

Keyrite hangs
I am importing a wave file that I have saved on my hard drive. I have noticed that if I convert it to a CDG file it loads fine, but for some reason it will not work with a wave file. I recorded the file in a program called Sonar, I also do hard drive recordings

MTUSUPPORT April 2nd, 2003 04:00 PM

It seems that there is a conflict between the .wav file that is created by your Sonar Program and Keyrite. Try taking this .wav into any other program, and then save it as a .wav to correct the header that was created by Sonar, then see if it will work.

Pastorterry April 5th, 2003 02:35 AM

problem solved
I tried Cakewlk Sonar and also Sound forge to create a wave file bothe of these programs are top quality digital record programs, but the files created in these programs would not work in Keyrite.
I have a program by acusticia to convert files to different formats. I used the convert wave to wave and the files now seem to be working fine, at least for now. Thanks to all those who tried to help. Hope this solution can be of use to other users . Thanks and God bless all

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