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Theorbit September 3rd, 2002 12:44 AM

converting from CLONECD format
I once used CLONECD to save my CDG music to several large hard drives. Now that I've changed software to MICROSTUDIO I would like to be able to read directly from my hard drive to the new software, then use the 'import tracks' to save it in the new software format. CLONECD saves it as 3 types of files ( .ccd, .img, .sub ) and it's strictly for disk duplicating. MICROSTUDIO saves it as 1 type of file ( .cdg ) and creates a seperate file for each track so your can pick and choose the tracks you want to copy. Does anyone know how to get MICROSTUDIO to read directly from the hard drive like it is a CD?

George September 3rd, 2002 08:58 AM

I must be missing something, but wouldn't it be simpler, less time consuming, and take no more HD space to just go ahead and import the CDG tracks into Microstudio directly from the cd's than to find and use a software application that will convert the existing files back to cdg format so they can be imported into Microstudio?


MTUSUPPORT September 3rd, 2002 11:04 AM

There is no way to use the files that you have from CloneCD. This is a totally different format than Microstudio uses. They use the Raw DAO 96 format, which is not compatible with the format that Microstudio uses.

Altair September 9th, 2002 11:00 PM

Go to the Custom Assembly Tab and choose "add track" from Hard Drive, I think you should find that will solve your problem.:c

This will work for a file that has the .cdg extensions, but CloneCD is in a totally different format, that is not recognized by Microstudio, thus the reason it won't work.

beltic January 10th, 2003 09:47 PM

Converting from Clonecd..
Another option, if your up for it.
check out Daemontools - this is a "virtual cd" program that will allow you to "mount" your image to a virtual cd device. This looks just like another cdrom on your pc. From here, you may be able to import your tracks.
try this link - (NOT the official page, but its got some info for ya..)

kjzone January 10th, 2003 11:20 PM

Re: Converting from Clonecd..

The latest version of CloneCD contains a Virtual CD, it appears as another CD-Rom Drive under MY Computer.

I just made a copy of a CDG using CloneCD v4.2.0.2 and Mounted it to the CloneCD Virtual Drive.

Then went into MicroStudio to Play, Selected Detect Drives,
The Virtual Drive DOES NOT SHOW UP.


If you click on the Mounted CloneCD Virtual, the Music will Play, but no graphics.


jim in ohio January 12th, 2003 10:10 AM

The Clone CD Raw data can't be converted to anything else, the two programs are a great combo for backing up, but as Bryan stated, they are very different. Clone can't do anything but copy.


George January 12th, 2003 10:36 AM

Morning all,
Using a Plextor 16/10 as reader, and a Plextor 40/12 as writer, just finished copying a cdg disc on the fly with Clonecd.
Played the copy back in Microstudio direct from the cd with no problem. Imported a track and it played from the hd with Microstudio with no problem. Perhaps I totally misread what's been going on here. I don't see Clonecd as being any kind of utility program, or did I get up foggy this morning:)


kjzone January 12th, 2003 10:51 AM


You are correct, if you make a CD-R copy of a CDG with Clone the CD-R copy will play under MicroStudio.

I believe what "Theorbit" was wanting to do.....

He has used Clone to make an "Image" of the CDG Discs and stored all these "Images" on various hard drives. He was wanting to now play these "Images" through MicroStudio.

Clone stores the "Image" as three file formats, none of which MicroStudio will play.

There was a suggestion to Mount the Clone Image to a Virtual CD-Rom drive and that would be equal to putting a hard copy of the CDG in a CD-Rom drive, but this didn't work, because MicroStudio couldn't see the Virtual CD-Drive in it's program.

If you went back to the Virtual Mounted Drive, it would play just the Audio of the Clone "Image" of the CDG.

George January 12th, 2003 10:59 AM

I guess I am in "foggy London town". Going back to the very beginning, if putting tracks that are already in cdg format on to the hard drive to be played in cdg format is what's trying to be accomplished, then why not import them to the hard drive in Microstudio to begin with? They can be copied and pasted to as many different drives as need be. I do it all the time between my networked pc's. I guess I'm just not seeing the problem.


kjzone January 12th, 2003 11:16 AM

Re: converting from CLONECD format


Originally posted by Theorbit
I once used CLONECD to save my CDG music to several large hard drives. Now that I've changed software to MICROSTUDIO I would like to be able to read directly from my hard drive to the new software, then use the 'import tracks' to save it in the new software format. CLONECD saves it as 3 types of files ( .ccd, .img, .sub ) and it's strictly for disk duplicating. MICROSTUDIO saves it as 1 type of file ( .cdg ) and creates a seperate file for each track so your can pick and choose the tracks you want to copy. Does anyone know how to get MICROSTUDIO to read directly from the hard drive like it is a CD?
You can't play your saved Clone CDG "Images" in MicroStudio, as they are three entirely different formats, none of which MicroStudio recognizes.

Only thing you can do, is burn the Clone "Images". stored on the various hard drives, back to a CD-R's and then put the CD-R in your CD-RW unit and then they will play in MicroStudio.

Altair January 12th, 2003 11:16 AM

My take on this is, that Theorbit simply saved his files with CloneCD with the "create" an image portion of that program, at a time when he did not have MTU
What he now has to do to access the files is to "write" the image with CloneCD.
He will then have a file that he can access with the MTU program.

George January 12th, 2003 11:27 AM


Thank you, thank you for enlightening this poor misguided soul. I just wasn't seeing it. And as the sun slowly rises in the East, I'll go clean the egg off the old face.:g


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