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DarkMagic February 2nd, 2006 01:01 PM

Problems with AMD64 and RAID drives with Plextor ???
MTU appears to have trouble finding my Plextor drives (including a "compatible" model I bought from MTU), once I moved from Intel over to a new AMD proc and NVidia MB. I have not been able to use my software for weeks now, and I get no answers, directly or indirectly from MTU.

Not the way to support your product I'd say. Prove me wrong OK?

S. Parks February 3rd, 2006 02:05 PM

Have you found anything out yet? I gather from your post that you built a machine around one of AMD's new processors. Here's what MTU says that their software will support:

A PC computer (not Apple/MAC) with: Windows 2000+SR4 or XP+SR2, a 350MHz or faster processor (Celeron, Pentium, 2, 3 or 4, or AMD Duron or Athelon), 256MB minimum RAM, at least 2GB of free hard drive space, an Internet connection or floppy drive to install (not required to run), a Video display card that supports DirectX 9.0b with 8MB or more of RAM (MTU recommends ATI Radeon Video Cards. S3 Video cards will NOT work), and an MTU or equal Certified CDG Recorder that can read and write the karaoke cdg format.

I cut and pasted this off the system requirements for Microstuduio; all I see if reference to the Athlon processor, I'm not sure if MTU products play well with the 64 bit stuff though.

gduns - with the Lord February 3rd, 2006 02:27 PM

S. Parks,
If you should decide to try on of the 64 bit machines, You will find they "play well with MTU Products" I have both Intel & amd 64 bit dual core machines they both wirk fine, I would even go so far as to say Superior.

DarkMagic February 3rd, 2006 02:31 PM

Yes I checked the min. specs and I seem to be in the clear with those. Others seem to be having similar problems with the newer AMD motherboards so perhaps our developer friends will get a chance to look at this issue because I'm basically dead in the water now. :f

DarkMagic February 3rd, 2006 02:34 PM

But I still think this involves some leftover crap xfered over from the old computer to the new that makes Microstudio "point" to the wrong places to look for the drives. If I could just get a little info on correct registry values etc. I could poke around myself and perhaps solve this.

MTUSUPPORT February 6th, 2006 04:46 PM

Get the latest drivers for your Nvidia Chipset, from

DarkMagic February 6th, 2006 05:49 PM

OK, downloaded the latest drivers and installed them. No changes I'm afraid. :?

MTUSUPPORT February 7th, 2006 11:59 AM

If this still did not fix it, there seems to be some problem with our ASPI driver and your system.

Search your computer for the file wnaspint.dll and delete this file. It should be located in the C:\Windows\System32 folder.

Then try using the Adaptec drivers located in this FAQ:

This is below Solution 1.

If this still won't work, there is something wrong with your system and the software will not work on it.

MTUSUPPORT February 7th, 2006 12:00 PM

By the way the Registry values are reset every time you close Microstudio. It resets them with any new selections.

This error doesn't have anything to do with the Registry though, it is dealing with the ASPI, which is a driver on the system, not a setting.

DarkMagic February 8th, 2006 12:20 AM

OK, thanks for that info on the registry.

How about if there were some leftover registry items that might not be removed with an uninstall? Or perhaps any other Microstudio files or settings not removed during uninstall? Perhaps if I can do a total wipeout of Microstudio before reinstalling it, it might work. Has this ever happened before?

As for the ASPI, I can confirm, as before, that wnaspint.dll does not exist anywhere on my computer and that I installed the Adaptec drivers. See my other post with attached GIF showing that they are correctly installed.

You are correct that the software doesn't work. Whether it indicates my machine is "broken" I'm not so sure of, since, again as I've stated before, several other CD/DVD authoring programs work perfectly including Nero, iTunes, WindozMedia, MusicGiants, Quicktime, RealPlayer. That doesn't sound like a broken machine to me...

Regards, :?

gduns - with the Lord February 8th, 2006 07:48 AM


CD/DVD authoring programs work perfectly including Nero
If you have nero installed it can sometimes cause problems with microstudio

DarkMagic February 8th, 2006 01:40 PM

Wow gduns, that's a bummer... most popular and powerful CD/DVD writer craps out MicroStudio... I'd hate to have to go back to Roxio. Now THAT was a nasty program that affected the stability of a lot of stuff, including XP.

It's too bad that we keep coming around to the "everything else is broken except MTU products" conclusion. That sounds too much like the tail wagging the dog.. :c

I'm still holding out for an ASPI investigation by our intrepid software authors.

I appreciate your continued help.


gduns - with the Lord February 8th, 2006 01:51 PM

Was that the Problem??

I have the roxio 7.0 on a couple of machines, and they work fine.

DarkMagic February 8th, 2006 02:07 PM

I have no idea if Nero is the problem or not. But I do know that I'm not going back to Roxio. Nero is also a better all round solution for my purposes, so it would be crazy for me to switch back. Plus, it doesn't affect any other player/burner that I have... Then there's the little matter of dumping a perfectly good $100 piece of software, buying another $100 piece of software, all to test if Microstudio doesn't play nice with either one.

I dunno... maybe I'm crazy... just keep hoping Bryan and Dave decide to do the right thing. But after they chopped off my other thread at the knees after telling me to "Get Real Man", I'm not so sure that's going to happen.

By the way, the impression they leave that the website plainly states that an Athlon FX-60 is not supported is simply not true... go check it out. The statement is more of a "minimum standards" list. There's nothing in there to state that there's some ceiling beyond which they do not support hardware. In fact, they plainly state that they support Athelon (sic) processors (with no upper limit), so I do not know what the rant was for.

So we have me and a couple others with similar hardware and we're out in the cold and our posts are "locked" and we're told to "Get Real"... :c

Ho-kay... where's that Cool-Aid jug, I need a sip. :g


gduns - with the Lord February 8th, 2006 02:46 PM


maybe I'm crazy... just keep hoping Bryan and Dave decide to do the right thing
I think I am about through trying to help you.

Exactly what do you think is the right thing. The software worked on your old machine. It works on thousands of machines worldwide. If you bought an Apple computer would you expect it to work just because you happened to want an apple?

Do you expect them to write you a custom piece of software for your specific computer, processor & motherboard?

Or are you hinting that you want a refund on something you have been using a couple of years, and now you think it doesn't suit you because you have a superior computer?

I don't know, this is getting rediculous...... Get real

Software clashes are not an uncommon thing. Obviously you have had the Roxio experience as well.

ddouglass February 8th, 2006 03:55 PM

DarkMagic I think you are missing the main point of the Nero/MTU conflict. It isn't that they won't work together on the machines but that you can't have Nero start up automatically (registry "Run"). When it does it locks the CD drives to itself and none of the MTU programs can use them. That is where Nero or even Roxio cause problems.

George February 8th, 2006 04:35 PM

Roxio Easy CD Creator 5 had a program in it called TAKE TWO that was so bad causing software conflicts that they offered a free upgrade for a limited time to Easy CD Creator 6, an upgrade which did not contain the TAKE TWO.

I didn't have any of the problems with MTU products some experienced, probably because I never have Roxio, Nero, or any of them running at start up.


DarkMagic February 8th, 2006 05:44 PM

Ddouglas... you are correct, I did miss that point entirely... thank you very much for pointing it out. I will try your suggestion immediately and report back. Thanks for your information.

now as for gdun. first off, if you don't want to help me that's your choice.

but let's get the facts straight before you haul off... :c

I have NOT been using this software for a "couple years"... try less than 60 days on the old computer... and waiting on this computer for about 3 weeks now.

What I think is the "right thing" is that this program should be able to work on a windows XP computer... ANY windows XP computer, so long as a compatible drive is used and the minimum specs are met ("yes" I do and "yes" I do). And please spare the sarcasm about expecting it to work on an Apple computer... sheesh!! What kind of logic is that?

We're not talking about "custom" anything. If all my other CD/DVD software works on all the computers I have (currently about 10 in my office, all custom built by me), then I expect the same from MicroStudio, nothing more, nothing less. If you are stating that an AMD FX-60 is somehow a "custom computer" then 1) You'd better get out of the way because most computers will be like the FX-60 in less time than you think, and 2) I would state in kind that I should having serious problems with about 90% of my other software as well, using your logic. Obviously this is not the case.

And finally, if all I wanted to do was get a refund, that would have been quite a simpler matter than taking all this time to try and find a solution.

Look guys, I'm not here trying to stir up trouble. I AM trying to not allow the ignoring of a simple fact, this software/hardware should work. We could have all been very happy with a "Sorry, but we're working on it currently. if you'd like to hang in there, please be patient, otherwise we'd be glad to issue a refund". Now if you've read some of the other posts, it's already been stated to be "patient" and I had intended to abide by that. But just because I'm pointing out certain given facts about this issue, should not mean that we are now in a "flame war".

I have not disrespected your information in any way gdun. And like I said, you do not have to do anything you don't want to. But forgive me if I don't wish to effuse with glowing praise when I start to get a runaround from MTU, and yes, I'm allowed to have that opinion as much as you wish to decide not to help me anymore. I deeply respect the fact that the devs have had some personal stuff and curshing deadlines to deal with. That's no reason to cut my post off at the knees with a statement that is not based in fact.

Is this some private "boys club" where only those who tiptoe around the forums and say only the nicest things about the developers get a response? That would be sad indeed.

Again, I thank ddouglas for an informative response and I will report back with the results just as soon as I test it.


gduns - with the Lord February 9th, 2006 10:57 AM

Sorry if I was misreading you.:? Aparrently I wasnt as clear a ddouglass.

In efect, we are running the same basic processors, and such. The exception is I have not had a use for the Nero, or roxio programs. Therefore they are not installed on this computer. I do have the Latest Roxio version on another with microstudio on it, with no problems but it isnt an amd.

I do have the nero program Perhaps I will install it tonight and see what happens.

bryant February 9th, 2006 11:56 AM

Note to the File
WOW ! It is simply amazing how we can develop quick opinions and mini-feuds on this forum by simple interpretations and mis-interpretations of the written word.

But as most of us on here seem to be intelligent, mature adults, we respect the others' opinions of those misinterpretations. My Kudos goes out to both parties here in that respect.

It is in fact, though, a sad thing (wrong meanings interpreted from only written communication w/o the personal interaction that would exist from a physical dialogue) that is certainly inherent in forums and email communication. I know, I am guilty myself of that in this forum, as I see only the words of you folks attempting to help me by seeing only my words.

But I tell you, without this forum and the pleasure of having your knowledge base for support, I would be dead in the water all by myself on this.
Our own existence, as it has evolved over centuries, was influenced by changes in the environment. We do not have that opportunity to effect each other that way on a forum of only words.

My speech for the day! A job well done by MTU and the patient forum users!

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