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mlepine September 15th, 2003 03:23 PM

New Version
May I ask what's happening with the new version of Keyrite?

On News it now says TBA!! I'm anxious to use my Keyrite wich I bought over six months ago & I can't use it because of a problem that has been recognized by MTU and should be corrected in the new version.

I understand that you folks are VERY busy at the moment, but you will always be anyway, so can you please tell us what's happening?

My understanding is that I will need to pay the upgrade for the new version and I have no objections if the problem is fixed.

People who don't believe there is a problem with Keyrite PLEASE do not respond to this tread, I don't want to start all over!


jaddams September 15th, 2003 09:13 PM


How are you doing? Good I hope! :)

I am going to put my feet into deep doo-doo with this answer which doesn’t belong to me, but MTU. However, they’ve been so busy that I’ll take a crack at it so, here it goes… :g :g

Keyrite right now is somewhere in the horizon, where? I don’t think none of us know. It’s somewhere in the horizon because it has to be upgraded and as you said, prevailing problems have to be fixed, and they will be. :c :c

Right now, as a beta tester, I can tell you that most of our time, and that of MTU’s programmers, is being spent on Kpro’s new version and all the new goodies, including duets, etc… etc. Then we have Hoster and Vogone. :g :c :)

Somehow, MTU’s programmers have a big plate to eat with all kinds of different goodies. Giving the proper time, I am sure that at the end, each and every program will be a winner. :g :g

Hang in there. It will not be long before you get what you want with all the features you’ll enjoy. :c :) :c :)

Best regards,


mlepine September 15th, 2003 09:41 PM


Thanks for asking, in fact I'm doing fine!

I'm expecting a similar answer from MTU & believe me I understand... Just a guess from them would be fine, I hope before Christmas because I want to sing Christmas songs with good arrangements such as DK 3072 & some of them are on high notes!!

I'm waiting for the cold to arrive to purchase new software from MTU so I don't mind knowing they're working on Vogone & Kpro's.

I'm presently using my Key change on my Audigy Card so I'll continue listening to mono music!


gduns - with the Lord September 16th, 2003 08:16 AM

Does the audiology board have a key changer program. I guess i missed that. I have one would you tell me how to access it?

mlepine September 16th, 2003 04:29 PM

Driver Updates

before I help you set up your audigy card, please make sure to download the latest driver & software from

What version of Audigy? Did it come with a cd? If yes, did you installed everything?

By the way, check out their new USB Audigy2 NX, it's a perfect fit to any laptop running an MTU software.

Can't wait to see a promo on this new product!


mlepine September 16th, 2003 08:07 PM

Setup your Audigy

I'll try to help you setup your Audigy Card:
Go to Start, All Programs, Creative, Audio HQ. Now open Options & check both Load on Start up & Show Icon on Taskbar.

You now have the shortcut that needs to be explore!

If you took the latest driver & software you will enjoy the good sound and all of it's possibilities. You can use your card for changing Pitch, Reverb, Midi Sound... Keep in mind that it takes time & lots of patient to understand all of it's capabilities, but once you get the hang of it you'll enjoy.

Hope this helps

gduns - with the Lord September 17th, 2003 07:46 AM

I Have been setup for a while with it, i just have never seen the change pitch option. I have the pci version I am not running it on a laptop.

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