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Wayne White September 30th, 2011 07:24 PM

Best Monthly Series for staying current
I was buying Star Disc Pop & Country each month. They quit & I started getting the Chartbuster Country & Pop Release each month, first they dropped to 12 songs, now to 8 (with vocal versions). I am looking for a good quality, but affordable way to stay up with new releases. Any suggestions?

Roy Dennis September 30th, 2011 08:03 PM

Re: Best Monthly Series for staying current
I suppose it depends where your from, as I'm in the UK I get a Sunfly monthly hits which has 18 tracks per disc, Mr Entertainer also has 18 tracks. EZH do a by monthly and Zoom do about a 3 monthly Hits selection.

Another option is Downloads
Sunfly & Zoom are doing legal downloads, at least they are legal in UK.

For me to order chartbuster or pop hits monthly I would have quite large postal charges added.:f

KenKelley October 4th, 2011 06:49 PM

Re: Best Monthly Series for staying current

Originally Posted by Roy Dennis (Post 109067)

Another option is Downloads
Sunfly & Zoom are doing legal downloads, at least they are legal in UK.


I've been downloading Sunfly & Zoom MP3+G's from Tricerasoft that appears to be located in Calafornia (USA). They appear to be legit.

Have you heard anything about them?


Lonman October 4th, 2011 07:24 PM

Re: Best Monthly Series for staying current

Originally Posted by KenKelley (Post 109134)

I've been downloading Sunfly & Zoom MP3+G's from Tricerasoft that appears to be located in Calafornia (USA). They appear to be legit.

Have you heard anything about them?


Their website is on a California server, they are actually based in Brampton, Ontario - Canada.
According to posts made directly by them on another forum, they do claim do have license for each song they offer and are useable by kj's in pro shows.
Now it's debatable whether a UK license (which they are) is legal for use in the US since the MCPS state for worldwide use - minus US & Canada. I would think as long as licenses are obtained and paid for, the only thing we'd need to worry about is whether the club we play in secure their PR fees.
Those same tracks (Sunfly/Zoom) are also available via Selectatrack which state the same thing - and offer more companies. I prefer an actual disc and they offer that option (as well as downloads) where Tricerasoft doesn't offer anything but download.

Roy Dennis October 4th, 2011 08:31 PM

Re: Best Monthly Series for staying current

Originally Posted by KenKelley (Post 109134)

I've been downloading Sunfly & Zoom MP3+G's from Tricerasoft that appears to be located in Calafornia (USA). They appear to be legit.

Have you heard anything about them?


Yes Ken, I have an account with them, they do Sunfly, Zoom, SBI Global, Karaoke Planet, Tropical Zone, Sing king, and recently state that they obtained the rights for Music Maestro.
You pay up front for some credits, then if you have internet access at your show and someone requests a song you don't have, you can download then without having to mess about with your credit card details.
I like Lonman prefer to have my music on disc and have a monthly Sunfly hits sent to me, but the above idea is handy for the odd song request you don't have.

KenKelley October 4th, 2011 08:37 PM

Re: Best Monthly Series for staying current

Originally Posted by Lonman (Post 109135)

I would think as long as licenses are obtained and paid for, the only thing we'd need to worry about is whether the club we play in secure their PR fees.


Thanks for the Info!

I have been saving all my purchase receipts (I carry them as well as all my disks to every show) just in case. There were 67 cases from Virginia Beach to Richmond and up to Arlington, VA of piracy. I think it was True Tone that went in search of and caught them.

I shall check the other site you mentioned, haven't run accross that one.

KenKelley October 4th, 2011 08:43 PM

Re: Best Monthly Series for staying current

Originally Posted by Roy Dennis (Post 109137)
Yes Ken, I have an account with them, they do Sunfly, Zoom, SBI Global, Karaoke Planet, Tropical Zone, Sing king, and recently state that they obtained the rights for Music Maestro.
You pay up front for some credits, then if you have internet access at your show and someone requests a song you don't have, you can download then without having to mess about with your credit card details.
I like Lonman prefer to have my music on disc and have a monthly Sunfly hits sent to me, but the above idea is handy for the odd song request you don't have.

Thanks Roy!

The very feature of downloading a song I don't have has really amazed the singers and keeps them coming back! There have only been a couple requests that were not there (very recent music).

JonPyle October 5th, 2011 10:08 AM

Re: Best Monthly Series for staying current
I liked the selectatract site, never found that one before. The album price seems fare, individual tracks are a little steep at $3.00... How do you get reciepts when you download these tracks?

ddouglass October 5th, 2011 11:04 AM

Re: Best Monthly Series for staying current

Originally Posted by JonPyle (Post 109147)
I liked the selectatract site, never found that one before. The album price seems fare, individual tracks are a little steep at $3.00... How do you get reciepts when you download these tracks?

When you pay you should get an electronic receipt either on the site or sent as an email to you. Then you print them out.
I will say to all at least in the US that you need to be very careful using download sites and make sure they have licenses to provide this service from the producers of the karaoke songs. The legalities of this are still not defined.

JonPyle October 5th, 2011 11:23 AM

Re: Best Monthly Series for staying current
I have never downloaded songs from the web. I like having that disc in my possession. Now if someone gave you the original or you recieved it as a gift with no reciept, that should be OK right?

Lonman October 5th, 2011 03:19 PM

Re: Best Monthly Series for staying current

Originally Posted by ddouglass (Post 109151)
When you pay you should get an electronic receipt either on the site or sent as an email to you. Then you print them out.
I will say to all at least in the US that you need to be very careful using download sites and make sure they have licenses to provide this service from the producers of the karaoke songs. The legalities of this are still not defined.

Selectatrack is authorized by all the manus. I've confirmed with most of them (SBI/Sunfly/Zoom/Pocket Songs) - again whether they are legal for US is a different story.
Tricerasoft also claim that they are fully legal & authorized. On another forum they state that they purchase an additional license for insurance for each song even if the manu gives permission.

ddouglass October 5th, 2011 03:31 PM

Re: Best Monthly Series for staying current

Originally Posted by JonPyle (Post 109154)
I have never downloaded songs from the web. I like having that disc in my possession. Now if someone gave you the original or you recieved it as a gift with no reciept, that should be OK right?

You don't need a receipt if you have an original disk.

Musicman51 October 11th, 2011 12:43 PM

Re: Best Monthly Series for staying current
Just for some fun reading i guess from an old dude, i'll chime in. Although i promised myself a year ago to stay out of these sort of conversations. If you visit a website who says they are legit, why in the world would you sweat that they're not? why would you care? like dale says, with receipt in hand, why would you even give it another thought? Not a judge in the world gonna hang ya son. Well..unless you live in the state of washington, or new hamsphire, hanging is still legal there. But seriously, i have all but stopped purchasing any new or old music altogher now. I am in the process of dropping my two chartbuster monthly subscriptions.

This year i celebrated my 7th year at the same private club. So i'm doing something right i reckon. I just had a meeting with the boss. And we discussed the ongoing degeneration of this industry, and the hassel of securing new songs, with the continued lawyer-for-hire lawsuites for money situation. And we both agreed we simply don't need the hassle. I also made it clear to my singers that if they want a song, they can purchase it, and i will play it. I listed an announcement in my song books, and listed several websites where they can purchase cdg's. I'm done with the hassle. I just made it clear to my singers, some going on the second generation of singers. With all the mess out there caused by a few greety individual companies and organizations. That i will not be purchasing anymore music PERIOD! If it's a very popular song on the radio, i may pick it up i dunno.

It's mind boggling that a great company like mtu, would dedicate their efforts to come up with fresh idea's, and request for features that we all want, yet, we can't even agree on what to load into their software? If i were David Cox, i'd be banging my head against the wall. Features like tempo change for instance. And haven forbid an upgrade doesn't work right on your puter after download. It's never our fault give'me a break.

This forum here, is the only source for correct karaoke information, and this is the only outlet i visit. The other forums have finger pointing, threats, misinformation, insults, accusations, bullying, name calling. Karaoke use to move in a positive way, with fresh idea's, innovations, with great innovative and creative companies like mtu leading the way. MTU has even spent out of pocket money on legal research. And we still can't come together to decide what to load in their software? rediculious.

It's hard to imagine that sound choice, chartbuster and others, would like to hold back this entertainment industry out of greed. If you asked these companies to be honest with you, and to level with you, they would tell you that they still claim format shifting, and the use of computer presentation software for our shows is still illegal in their opinion. But with their arm around you, assure you, that they will "allow" you to continue if you follow their set of rules, is simply again ...mind boggling. With all this hassle, and misinformation still floating around out there, i'm surprised most of the kj's aren't on ativan or prozac...seriously. Well anyways..i have cows to bring in and milk. You guys carry on and try to find some time to actually enjoy what you're doing...Just a perspective from an old dude....:)

{Note A Disclaimer: I know less about the karaoke industry then anyone on this outlet, and less about mtu software then any newbe that just purchased their first download}

Lonman October 11th, 2011 09:55 PM

Re: Best Monthly Series for staying current
Actually CB now releases their monthly discs with mp3g format already included along with their digital hard drive with their entire library available for computer use - unfortunately it only works with a competiting hosting software plus they are the only ones right now with streaming - home use only at this point. PHM has their mp3g monthly option. Even SC has it's GEM series designed specifically for kj's using computers. And all have stated as long as you own the discs for everything on the hard drive they wouldn't do any lawsuits. So I don't think the manus aren't as locked on computer users as they once were. Stealing product is what they are primarily fighting against.

Musicman51 October 12th, 2011 11:48 AM

Re: Best Monthly Series for staying current
Lon, nothing, absolutly nothing has changed in their thinking since this idiotic nonsense started. They have kept this industry in turmoil ever since they figured out they need a way to control it. Like i said, their disc sets, their rules. You sit down kurt slep, hand him a nice hot cup of starbucks, hold his hand, tell him you're his best bud, and ask the man to level with you. He will flat out tell you, we are all breaking the law who don't play by his rules. On the record. "Sound Choice states they believe format shifting of their products is still illegal" period! The man has not changed his views, never said he had. You might buy his crap that he changed his mind. Don't be fooled my friend. They walk into your show, you are using a computer and hosting software, you're going to recieve a court paper. You might want to look into purchasing that little sticker to put on your computer they sell lon. Oh and make sure you always have your full set of disc with you. Exactly why we all purchased a software program, was to cut down on carrying those big heavy suitcases of disc. But you do it. You'll do fine i'm sure.

I stand by my thoughts, and nothing i've read to date says other wise. As long as you purchase their specal disc sets, play by their rules, you'll do ok. It's not about piracy, it's about the buck. I'm not going to discuss this any further. Lets not turn this great informational outlet into that other forum. You can argue with everyone over there if you wish. Lets keep this forum free of such unhelpful misinformation, and opinions. Enjoy your karaoke show, and good luck in the future. :)

Roy Dennis October 12th, 2011 12:08 PM

Re: Best Monthly Series for staying current
This post was originally asking which Disc's to buy to keep a collection current.
Can we keep answers related to that, the legality issues have all been discussed before in a number of previous posts so I don't think it necessary to repeat all that.:f:e

Musicman51 October 12th, 2011 12:15 PM

Re: Best Monthly Series for staying current
yep...i totally agree. However it was brought up in relation to which downloads were safe to stay current. I won't reply further to the thread. Thanks Roy:)

admin October 20th, 2011 06:15 PM

Re: Best Monthly Series for staying current

Originally Posted by Musicman51 (Post 109284)
yep...i totally agree. However it was brought up in relation to which downloads were safe to stay current. I won't reply further to the thread. Thanks Roy:)

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Musicman51 October 20th, 2011 07:37 PM

Re: Best Monthly Series for staying current
Admin, i just logged into "My Account" on the mtu website. My contact info is current and correct ??? phone is in my hand, and working ???

swany October 21st, 2011 08:34 PM

Re: Best Monthly Series for staying current
Quik Hitz, been looking at these at my local pusher, Quinns, Big Rapids, Michigan.

Seem to be up on the pop and so so on the country, but at the price I may make a major purchase for one of my shows. College Bar, and the music suits my step sons tastes better but they do ask him for songs and I try to respond, and the Quik Hitz will fill most needs. I still get the monthly, CB Country.

The downloads seem a better way to get only those requesteds needs.

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