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ALAN E NORTH November 18th, 2002 05:37 AM

Support for the Yamaha CRW-F1 ?

I just purchased a Yamaha CRW-F1 USB drive. According to Dvorak (PC Magazine), it's supposed to be the fastest thing their labs have ever tested.

Am I missing some drivers or doesn't Microstudio support this drive ? I tried loading the ASPI drivers you recommend for USB drives-but this doesn't seem to help.

My old HP 8110 has been a very reliable workhorse and has NEVER given me the least bit of trouble-but since it is limited to 4x writing speed, I thought I would come into the modern age and upgrade my speed a little.

Here's hoping for a marriage between Microstudio and the CRW-F1-and a long honeymoon !

Al North

cbrjab January 16th, 2003 02:52 AM

Yamaha CRW-F1 USB
I just downloaded microstudio 2.4 and I like the way it is setup. I have been using some other programs which I won't mention to some degree of satisfaction, but I keep coming across a dilemma. If I try to pull the tracks of a cdg individually with my yamaha CRW-F1E USB burner, the graphics are totally shot. Completely pixelated. But If I use my HP8200 USB burner they come out fine. Anyone else having this issue. I have downloaded all the latest drivers that I can find. I have Ripped the tracks at various speeds from the slowest to the fastest and there is no change. I really like the yamaha burner. I had bought a Plextor and had so many issues with that one I had to take it back. I might have just gotten a bad one. I really don't want to have to take the Yamaha back. Plus the discT@too is pretty cool. If anyone has any ideas please let me know. Thanks.

Wayne White January 16th, 2003 09:08 AM

Reply to AL
Don't lose that HP8100. It is one of the few that reads SC Media Clog disks...

MTUSUPPORT January 16th, 2003 10:32 AM

This Yamaha drive will not work for Karaoke, this is the reason that you are getting the pixilation. This is actually due to the Yamaha drive. There is no way to get around this with that drive. The Yamaha drives after the 8-4-32 have not worked correctly for Karaoke. It seems that they have a problem with the CD+G format, and they are not willing to fix it. We tried to work with them when they broke it on the 8-4-32 drive, but they were not willing to try to fix the problem.

This is the reason we do not recommend using the Yamaha drives, because they don't give you usable graphics for Karaoke. You are stuck with a drive that works great for everything else, but Karaoke now.

What happens when you use your HP 8200 as the reading drive and the Yamaha as the writer? I believe the Yamaha drives can write the Karaoke ok, but it is the reading part that they mess up on. You could give this a try and see what happens. The Plextor brands are the only ones that truly work correctly, just so you know.

ALAN E NORTH January 16th, 2003 02:36 PM


You seem to be right on regarding the Yamaha's ability to read CD+G-but only at high speeds.

The Yamaha seems to read karaoke OK-at low speeds of 4x or so-but provides 'broken' graphics' when I try to read at 44x.

I have no problem with writing on the Yamaha. I find that I can copy directly from my HP 8110 to the Yamaha-but I gain little since the 8110 is so limited. However, if I copy to the hard drive first then I can write at 44x to the Yamaha.

I haven't downloaded Microstudio 2.4 yet. I'll download soon-but it appears that I will still have the same problem.

Thanks for the info.

cbrjab January 17th, 2003 09:27 PM

HP for read Yamaha for write
I have been using my Hp8200 to read the CD+G tracks and load them on my hardrive. Then I use the Yamaha to burn them. I haven't had any problems with this. I jsut really wanted to be able to use the Yamaha to read since the HP only reads at 6X. I really just wanted to speed the process up a little. I will probably end up just going and buying another plextor drive and trying it again. Hopefully with better luck. Thanks for the info at least now I know it's not something I'm doing. Kinda bumbed about yamaha not working with MTU to solve the issue tho. I think they generally have a good product. Maybe one day.

mlepine February 27th, 2003 07:48 PM

Yamaha burners
I almost feel like I'm working for Yamaha, I keep trying to defend them by saying that both the 3200 & the new model works with cdg's.
I've noticed that if you can't get a clear graphic you need to disable the DMA & read at a lower speed.
Once you disable the DMA your in business, specially if your not running XP.

I never tried any other brand but I can confirm that the Yamaha burner works fine with Microstudio & other cdg software.

If you own one please try this before buying another brand, they're still probably the best for sound recording.

A happy customer for Yamaha & Microstudio

cbrjab February 28th, 2003 02:39 AM

A little more info
I agree with mlepine that Yamaha makes a great burner, but I need some more info, specifically, how fast can I read cdg's. The whole reason I don't want to use my HP to read is because it's too slow. I am running XP Pro. It's not so much the burning I'm having issues with, it's the reading. I can't pull individual tracks off with good graphics using the yamaha, but I can burn them with a high degree of success. I read the tracks with my HP fine but that's at 6x, way slow. Can't even read them at 2x with the Yamaha.

mlepine February 28th, 2003 12:04 PM

reply to cbrjab
If you can't read directly from the cd, I would suggest you disable the DMA in control panel, system, Hardware, Device Manager, IDE ATA/ATAPI Devices, you have to disable auto & DMA.

You should be able to read from the cd at optimal or select 30x

I own a HP 8200 Series external & I was never able to read cdg?
Is that the model you have? If yes, how did you make it work with cdg's?


cbrjab February 28th, 2003 12:34 PM

HP 8200e
Yes I do have the 8200 series external and it has always worked with CDGs for me. It's worked with Every program I have used it with.
I'm just tired of waiting for hours to do a couple cds using it, but otherwise it's been a great burner for me.

OldCDG March 7th, 2003 12:14 AM

hey mlepine
Starting Member

Registered: Jan 2003
Location: Montreal

I could not get it to fully function (crw-f1)
by doing the DMA disable,
The graphics were less broken up.
I did notice that the microstudio
refuses to slow down the CD-R
It goes like a bat from hell.
It has that bug and seams to
be in all the drives...
I just bought a plex 4824
the program said it was set for
1x but did a 75 sec track in just
20sec. also said 17min to burn, and
finished in just 3mins can we get them to fix these bugs ?
crash Bugs listed in new post.

OldCDG March 9th, 2003 03:48 AM

Yamaha CRW-F1
Well I just never thought to try to burn with the Yamaha.
It works flawless !!! at 40x with 90min silver disk.
just for grins tried to play it back on crw-f1
well same flaws in graphics, and in the same places
in the video. this is a new recording on a new disk!!!!
I will tell you who I am
I have a BS in electronics technology with a minor in programming
from LSSU. We designed LSIs in class and then programmed them
using HP master controller computers. I believe I now know
what is going on inside the Yamaha.
most likely in the engineering of the LSI chip
a flaw developed while
in either the drawing stage or printing stage.
looks like to me some reading transistors missed
there resistors and or grounding wiring.
this is why it will burn fine but gets reproducible errors
on play back. the transistors go high (or low) on the
same charge from the graphics bit stream.
OH by the way found one more flaw in 2.4
to select the size of disk goes only to 80mins so my 90min disk
is not burnable to the full 90mins.
the price to redo the LSI is around $100,000+
if it needs more circuits $250,000 more likely.

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