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kevinjanet July 27th, 2004 01:18 PM

KJ claims to have 75,000 songs?
I have some competition. (who is charging about half of what other KJ's charge) who is claiming to have 75,000 songs in his library. Forgetting for the moment that there has to be lots of duplicates. Is it even possible to have that many songs?

I did a quick scientific guestimate and came up with about only 50K Karaoke songs even available from the top 20 manufacturers.
You'd think there would be at least 20% duplication which would bring it to a total of 40K different songs. He is running on a laptop (Hoster), he's young and at less than $200 a show I can't see how he could afford to buy these songs anyway.

Does anybody know how many songs are out there or how you could figure it out?

Kevin Hall
Halls of Magic Entertainment

George July 27th, 2004 02:11 PM

Re: KJ claims to have 75,000 songs?
"Hosterīs 2.1 built-in database contains over 196,000 song entries from approximately 13,500 Karaoke discs."

The above copied and pasted from the Hoster product description on the main website.
Now how many of those "over 196,000" songs would you think are duplicates?

Got to consider they are still releasing new ones even as we "speak".


TERRY STALEY July 27th, 2004 03:53 PM

Re: KJ claims to have 75,000 songs?
I Am A Kj Who Has Over 85,000 Songs Not Counting The 20,000 Or So Repeated Songs Due To Various Mfg.

Terry Staley
Dusk To Dawn Karaoke
Fort GaY, Wv

kevinjanet July 27th, 2004 04:08 PM

Re: KJ claims to have 75,000 songs?
Obviously my quick research wasn't even near the mark!
I had no idea there were so many songs out now!
Just curious, have you ever kept track of which songs get requested the most? Do you have a core of lets say 10,000 songs and the rest get picked rarely or are the song choices pretty well spread out among the 85K?
The reason I ask is because I have about 10K songs and am trying to decide whether it's really worth it to go bigger.

Kevin Hall
Halls of MAgic Entertainment

PS. How thick are your songbooks anyway?

Island Extreme July 27th, 2004 05:01 PM

Re: KJ claims to have 75,000 songs?
That really SUCKS!!
Hard to compete with $200/ show - are you coming up with ways to be better then him so you can charge a FAIR rate? I'm just starting and if I only charged $200/show I couldn't buy any more discs! He must live with his parents!! If there is any way I could help with ideas - e-mail me let's share them and keep the rate where it should be!! I'm all for competetion but we need to get paid!!!


CochrellGary July 27th, 2004 05:09 PM

Re: KJ claims to have 75,000 songs?

We kept track of the songs being sung at our shows for a year. We found that only 20% of our library was being sung.


djmadmaxx July 27th, 2004 07:04 PM

Re: KJ claims to have 75,000 songs?
now are those 75,000+ karaoke song claims including all the multiplex tracks.?? how many individual (non-duplicated) songs are there?? or is it one of those Midi players that came out a few years back that had 55,000 plus karaoke songs built inn.. of course most of those were in an asian format.

admin July 28th, 2004 04:02 AM

For the record...
There are 36,944 different songs, 16,236 different artists, and 537 different manufacturers.

So, you can have different artists singing the same songs, and different manufacturers making different renditions of the same songs from different artists, or even from the same artists! :r

Oh yes... with and without vocals can double the above numbers yet again. :r

So... you figure out the duplications you might have, and what the heck "duplication" means! If a singer demands a Karaoke Bay rendition of a song because it was acoustically recorded, and you only have SC that was synthesized, they may not be happy. :f

swany July 29th, 2004 07:39 PM

Re: KJ claims to have 75,000 songs?
I have over 12,000 cdg titles which I edited my book and culled the also ran duplicates in my library came up with a little over 8,000 without duplicates. When I run a show most often people tell me I have a lot of music that they like. My books are two sided copy single col and with 3 inch binders I need artist and title books. Can't imagine what it would be like with all the duplicates. I do have repeats (different artists) and am adding music as I go along. Can't imagine what a book with 20,000 would be like much less 75,000. WOW hand out the laptop books.

TERRY STALEY July 30th, 2004 03:48 AM

Re: KJ claims to have 75,000 songs?
I Have About 8000 Songs That Are Common Picks. Our Books Are Artist/title Based On One Book Per Flip Book That Has 200 Discs In It. These Are Also Sorted By Mfg. We Work 5/7 Nights Per Week And Have For Over 13 Years. Its Not Hard To Collect A Large Disc Base In That Amount Of Time.

Terry Staley

gduns - with the Lord July 30th, 2004 10:17 AM

Re: KJ claims to have 75,000 songs?
I just passed the 20,000 mark, and No, I don't show duplicate titles. If I am asked if I have ......... then I look it up and usually say yep, and use it.

I tried a book with all the listings back when I had 18,000, and every other singer would bring the book to me and ask which version should I sing. So to eliminate the hassle, I took out all the duplicates in the book.

Karaoke John August 24th, 2005 12:53 PM

Hi All
I hope to some day have as many songs as everyone else has mentioned.
As of now I have about 5000 songs with maybe a thousand being repeats due to different brands and artists multiplex etc.
I believe I have a good crosssection of music that includes oldies, Rock and Roll, broadway, country, pop and some rap. I hate Rap and don't usually buy very much of that genre.
People will ask me the ? whats the difference in the song. which is okay because I will put up the best version of it. Unless all they give me on the request slip is a number then I play the exact version they ask for.
With 5000 songs it still gives people a lot to choose from. The advantage to having duplicates and Multiplexed to choose from especially if you are still using disks is if one track gets messed up you still have a playable back up. Also some people who have never sang Karaoke before I call em Karaoke virgins get real shy up on stage and having the guide vocals helps them sing. Most of the time I usually play the non guide vocal version unless they specifically ask for it.
Anyway Hoster makes KJ'ing so much easier, I bet it was a nightmare having to carry 20,000 + songs before Hoster We're talking How many disks? and I sure would have hated that. I used to carry 300 disks and now I only carry about 7 disks total just the DVD's and a couple of chartbuster that wouldn't import.
Have a great day

mindonstrike August 25th, 2005 03:33 PM

If the guy has been around a long time and his library has slowly but surely gotten bigger all that time I'd think he was probably legit (although a poor businessman when it comes to getting a decent return on his investment).
However if he just popped up out of nowhere with a library that size or went from 5000 to 75000 overnight (I've got a few of those in my area), then he's probably a pirate.

About all you can do is hope the manufacturers and/or the legislature will get their acts together and address this problem before the legitamate operators are either forced out of business or forced to cross over to the dark side.


Heatline August 28th, 2005 03:07 AM

A Better show
[quote=kevinjanet]I have some competition. (who is charging about half of what other KJ's charge) who is claiming to have 75,000 songs in his library. Forgetting for the moment that there has to be lots of duplicates. Is it even possible to have that many songs?

One way to do a better show is put a video overlay unit on and a cheap camera
and the singers are veiwed on the screen with words attached, a dvd recorder
to the setup and record them for a price it works for me and I have the best setup in town, they Luv it
regards John

G-Force September 7th, 2005 01:52 PM

You can't do that legally.

Karaoke John September 9th, 2005 02:29 PM

Video ?
I think G-force is right. That opens up all kinds of cans of worms. Hope Big Brother recording industry never comes to see your show. Their lawyers would have a field day. It is best to just keep it simple and not Flashy.


G-Force September 9th, 2005 05:58 PM

The video overlay is a good idea, but very expensive to implement. Selling the recording is the not so legal part. I was going to implement a slideshow of the singers in between songs, but found that I had too much going on on my desktop with winamp for bumper music, hoster and messageoke pro running at the same time even with a 3.0 ghz machine and a gig of ram.

George September 9th, 2005 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by G-Force
Selling the recording is the not so legal part.

Can't legally even give copywritten material away.


jdavia September 10th, 2005 07:24 PM

A one case senerio is at aprox.15 songs a disk, that would be 5,000 disks, or if $9.95 a disk $4,9750.00 more or less. Quite a few nights of break even.
There seems to be some foolish planning here, or an awful expensive hobby.
Well if you have it flaunt it.

mindonstrike September 10th, 2005 09:29 PM

I think your comma is supposed to go after the 9

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