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kJ Joe May 8th, 2006 04:23 PM

Drunk KJ'S
Just wondering how do all of you deal with visiting Kj's(your compatition)at your show that get drunk and become one of the heaklers or should i say ass$%^&s:m

Thanks KJ Joe

WDEWDAD7 May 8th, 2006 11:37 PM

They are not very professional, for one; I certainly would NOT recommend them to ANYONE(be advised not to bad mouth them to others). I do have some of my guests ask where there is karaoke at other places, when I'm not working; and I do recommend them to good, fair, fun, and professional people. Don't worry about losing them to the OTHER guy, they all talk to each other and go where the fun is. Also, to avoid one on one problems; I would have the BAR handle the "problem" so as to leave you out of the loop....repercussions. Daryl.

bryant May 9th, 2006 08:37 AM

There are ways to "professionally" embarass people who should be acting as professionals themselves but don't.

Groucho Marx and Johnny Carson were very good at this.
They (the jerk) will recognize it as insults and the crowd will recognize it as a compliment to them (the jerks). They will not return.

I do it, and it works. Then I start getting a few of their followers afterwards.

WDEWDAD7 May 11th, 2006 12:53 AM

You are so right about that. However, not everyone is a Johnny Carson or a Groucho Marx. Some people just seem to be born with the wit, or coy comebacks. And, remember, you are dealing with people who are drinking, and the more they drink, the lower the IQ level becomes. If you have the " wit " to outwit them , Tally HO! But, beware of having a war of words/wits with these people. Remember, you said they were other KJ's/DJ's; and they have had their banters also. I have even acknowledged who they were and where they work, then invited them up to sing( being the gracious professional that I am) then, the more a..hole they are after that, the more they hurt themselves. Whatever works. I hate it when I go to another KJ's show, and they treat YOU like the bubonic plaque. They either think you are after their gig, or are indignant because you are there in the first place. I just like singing and being the customer once in a while.

bryant May 11th, 2006 08:45 AM

You are also soo right!

swany May 15th, 2006 08:27 AM

What makes a KJ any different when they have a day off and decide to imbibe and exceed the fun limit? Not much different than the average guy except they have a professional opinion when they are at your show. Do your best to not get testy and let your professionalism shine. Turn up you charm on high and make sure you thank them for coming and announce who they are, sometimes an ego boost goes much farther it may not hurt to visit your competition now and then I do.

bryant May 15th, 2006 08:57 AM

That's exactly how I handle it swane. Thanx for takin' the words right out of my mouth.


djmorpheus June 13th, 2006 03:19 PM

I just let my show speak for itself. I get to know many of my customers personally, so we're like a family...and when anyone (especially kj's) comes in disruptive and belligerent they stick out like a sore thumb. I just contimue the show around them. If they get too stupid, the bar removes them.

bryant June 14th, 2006 08:15 AM

Exactly, and where my show is SO much different than the standard "assembly line" type you see a lot of around here, they (the other KJ's) don't usually get much of an opportunity to even make a "dent" in my show either.

Jerndeb June 15th, 2006 05:49 AM

been there done that too.... i have to agree with swany... just be the Professional... keep it in control, and the situation takes care of itself.
I personally had another KJ from a bad 2 blocks down the street comming in
after his show was done. ( I work at a 3 am bar... his is 1:30 am )
This guy turned in the same 3 songs every week... then tried to upstage me
at the end of every song.
I laughed it off for awhile... then finally got sick of it.... let him sing his song,
then dedicated the dj break song TO him.... big al carmen... take your drunken ass home.
the best part is... the six people he came in with... no longer go to see him..
they come to see me.
bottom line is :
if someone is causing a problem with your matter what it is.. heckeling... nit picking... or what you can to resolve their problem(s) ... but KNOW you can't fix everything...once you have done what you can do....get back to doing WHAT you do... entertain... and if you happen to entertain the crowd at their expense.... so be it.
just my thoughts.

bryant June 15th, 2006 08:15 AM

[quote=entertain the crowd at their expense.... so be it.
just my thoughts.

Wonderfully stated Jern!

Jerndeb June 16th, 2006 03:19 AM

:e maybe that line didn't come off just right...
i meant... entertain the crowd at the drunk KJ's expense....:c

my brain runs at normal speed...but my fingers don't type that fast.
sorry i sounded like what the original post was about :g

Reda Lou September 7th, 2006 11:12 PM

Sugar always taste better than vinegar
It may be unprofessional of these people but its a fact of life in this business. You are always going to be under the scrutiny of other kj's. My mentor always told me kill them with kindness and sugar or honey taste better than vinegar. When someone like that comes to one of my shows I do exactly what someone else mentioned. I just say "Hey we have a special guest in the house tonight, Please welcome so and so and make ---- feel at home" This will usually keep them from being too critical and just do what you always do and run a good show. I will make a personal effort to walk over and talk to them and shake their hand. Call me a brown nose but I truly feel that we all have to work together and not against each other. Sometimes you can change them by your example. Sometimes you can't because some people are so full of themselves that they will never see how good you both are just how good they are. Feel sorry for them because the majority of the people in the audience are smarter than we give them credit for!:w

bryant September 8th, 2006 01:08 PM

[quote= sugar or honey taste better than vinegar. :w[/quote]

Not to a diabetic. And as you previously stated, we all have varied tastes.

The only companies I know that work together and are in competition; are the oil companies.

George September 8th, 2006 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by bryant
he only companies I know that work together and are in competition; are the oil companies.

Haven't paid much attention to the prescription drug companies, it seems.

StarSounds September 8th, 2006 01:24 PM

Its so upsetting to me that competition isnt based on merit anymore. People feel they have to be slimey & sneaky to compete. It sucks ! About 6 months ago we fired our KJ for getting the big head & going to others shows ( w/out our knowledge) & handing out our business cards & badmouthing other KJs and their shows, well needless to say all of the kjs in town see that as a reflection of me & my husband the owners so they are not happy with us, also had a no drinking on the job policy & he abused that & got stuck on stupid & lost 2 gigs b/c of it now... We cant find work even with a new KJ ,hes all but ruined our reputation . So it goes to show you that alcohol & KJs really dont mix !

snaffu November 21st, 2006 10:18 PM

I am newbie on here this is a test to check the posting procedures.


bryant November 21st, 2006 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by StarSounds (Post 53985)
Its so upsetting to me that competition isnt based on merit anymore. People feel they have to be slimey & sneaky to compete.

Welcome to the world

Reda Lou November 27th, 2006 04:00 AM

Reda Lou
Yes the world is sometimes tough, but in my experience there is no such thing as being based on merit as one of the post suggested. The fact is we all think we are better than the it human nature! My son has been doing this for 2 years and now tries to tell me you talk to much you're too loud, etc and I have to laugh...I've been doing this since 95 and people still come up to me and say why can't your son get the people moving and riled up as much as you do....I just say ....He's not loud's all in the eyes of the drunk on the other side of the system.....hopefully the one on your side isn't as drunk as the public

bryant November 27th, 2006 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by Reda Lou (Post 56275)
I've been doing this since 95 and people still come up to me and say why can't your son get the people moving and riled up as much as you do

That's the merit that is paying you back, You're son's merit is slowly building but much slower than yours at this time apparaently.

I say "Keep talking, loud and clear, and they'll keep coming". I get thee compliments all the time. Like " Wow, the guy across the street has NO personality. I'm coming here from now on."

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