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CerealKiller June 28th, 2008 04:20 PM

You're not good enough to sing here
I Can't believe this but I've heard many stories about it.

One customer told me this one. "I put my slip in and the kj told me it would be $10 to sing since he didn't know me and didn't know if I was good enough for his show."

another was not allowed to sing after his first attempted because he was not good enough.

yet another story was about a bar where if someone was bad the crowd whould boo them into never coming back.

Are these just stories or does this really happen?:e

Bad singers spend money too. I reallize we all like it better when everyone is singing really well, but I would never tell a bad singer no just to please the crowd. That beinging said I would tell some who is way to drunk to sing NO.

Please let me know if you run a show like this or if you know of a show where only the good singers get to sing. or you have to pay to sing unless your good.:e

WDEWDAD7 June 29th, 2008 06:45 PM

I, for one, do NOT run a show like that!! I do see things like that happen, and have been in the awkward position of being told by a club owner.."do not let that person sing again". I, tactfully.......tell them that is not how it is done. You have to take the bad with the good. My show is known for "Fast, Fair and Fun". I admit that occasionally, I have to walk to the bar or outside, to avoid my well-trained, musician's ear from being forever damaged by some rather , seriously tone def singers now and then. But, I never treat them any different than the diva's or the shining stars that grace the evening. I admit that I do encourage good singers to return, if they have not been here before, it is only good business sense; but, like you stated, the bad singers drink and spend money like everyone else. I also try to include non singers when I can. It makes the evening more fun for everyone. I am also aware of other karaoke venues that cater to their friends, of good singers, or what ever. Of course, when asked where to go sing karaoke when I am not working, I do not bad moth those shows, I merely do not recommend them. Daryl.

ddouglass June 29th, 2008 07:23 PM

My Sister-In-Law did a trial show at one restuarant that the owner came up to her and told her not to let anyone sing any more Country. He wanted only R&B. She finished the show and told them she would not do any more there if she could not allow the singers to sing what they wanted to.

Lonman June 29th, 2008 09:55 PM

I know of shows that wouldn't let bad singers sing again. I don't think any are still around anymore.

kedmison June 30th, 2008 11:22 AM

Never been to one. I do know the last thing you want to do at my show is say anything negative about the music or a singer. Our small stage area is just to the right as you walk in. That's where I am located also. Something strange about the acoustics; you can hear what's being said sometimes 4 or 5 tables away. (My wife can't understand how I can hear that far with all the music, yet at home can't hear across the table. I just shrug my shoulders and grin.):g

If I hear someone saying anything negative; which is not very often anymore; I will take time out to tell them "by mic" that negative comments about me are ok. Tell me your problem. But if you don't like like the music or the singer then you have an option. 1. you can't pick something out that you want to sing; or 2. find someone who will sing it for you or 3. We have a front door and a back; take your pick." This usually brings a chorus of applause.


capnvic June 30th, 2008 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by kedmison (Post 76353)
Never been to one. I do know the last thing you want to do at my show is say anything negative about the music or a singer. Our small stage area is just to the right as you walk in. That's where I am located also. Something strange about the acoustics; you can hear what's being said sometimes 4 or 5 tables away. (My wife can't understand how I can hear that far with all the music, yet at home can't hear across the table. I just shrug my shoulders and grin.):g

If I hear someone saying anything negative; which is not very often anymore; I will take time out to tell them "by mic" that negative comments about me are ok. Tell me your problem. But if you don't like like the music or the singer then you have an option. 1. you can't pick something out that you want to sing; or 2. find someone who will sing it for you or 3. We have a front door and a back; take your pick." This usually brings a chorus of applause.


I guess some people forget the true purpose of Karaoke. It is fun entertainment, everybody wants to have a chance to sing or try to sing. You laugh, and applaud and there it goes, don't make a big deal about it anymore. I have a guy I know, monotone voice, and he admits he's bad, but we don't care, we like him, he has the attitude for Karaoke...So he is always on my mail list, and he comes to my shows.

Its unfortunate if one should dictate what singers will sing. I'll admit that some times I get a little upset about some "good" singers singing the same song, but I'll tell that person to try to be a bit adventurous have fun with it and try a different song.

I'll tell people at the beginning of my show that this is for fun, for people to have a good time.

CerealKiller July 1st, 2008 08:20 PM

I've asked the people who told me some of these stories and alot of them come from nashville, where alot of people are triing to make it in the music scene. I've had so called producers come to my show to check out certain singers. Having been in the music scene if a producer can't check you out at one of your live shows and doesn't have a studio to hear you sing in you probably don't want them to produce your songs. Like most of you have said its about having fun. and i'm glad to see you agree :)

Lloyd Te Kani July 1st, 2008 11:29 PM

I run a fair show for everyone. Some of my singers are shall we say, less than average and I have to say that while they are singing, I am mentally banging my head against the wall, but as has been pointed out, they spend money over the bar like everyone else and as sad as it may sound, karaoke might the only "life" they have. Karaoke is all about having the guts to get up in front of a crowd and being a "star" for 3 and a half minutes (unless it's a Meatloaf song) and having a ball in the process. I get paid to make everyone happy.

If you're too drunk though, sorry pal, may be next week :e


Karaoke Kiwi July 10th, 2008 08:16 PM

Karaoke Host With Too Many Mates
Some years ago my rugby club in England decided that a karaoke night would be a good idea. The host that came to do the show started out by singing a couple of songs. Fair enough to get level perhaps although I do mine in a single song. He then proceeded to rotate through his friends and himself a couple of times. At this point none of the members or guests had actually sung. One of our more rough and redy members went to the host and said to him that if he didn't let the members sing he would get 'filled in'. Although I am not a fan of violence one 'poor' host learnt that he is working for the people in the bar and not his mates. Needless to say he didn't work at the club again! PS. Rugby Players, like any other random group are good, bad & indifferent when it comes to singing but all of us are definately LOUD!:)

Lloyd Te Kani July 10th, 2008 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by Karaoke Kiwi (Post 76764)
Some years ago my rugby club in England decided that a karaoke night would be a good idea. The host that came to do the show started out by singing a couple of songs. Fair enough to get level perhaps although I do mine in a single song. He then proceeded to rotate through his friends and himself a couple of times. At this point none of the members or guests had actually sung. One of our more rough and redy members went to the host and said to him that if he didn't let the members sing he would get 'filled in'. Although I am not a fan of violence one 'poor' host learnt that he is working for the people in the bar and not his mates. Needless to say he didn't work at the club again! PS. Rugby Players, like any other random group are good, bad & indifferent when it comes to singing but all of us are definately LOUD!:)

Hear hear!! We've got some of those in Brisbane as well, the inconsiderate hosts and the loud rugby players. Needless to say, that type of host doesn't last long in the business :c

RailMom September 4th, 2008 04:20 AM

Bad experience

Originally Posted by CerealKiller (Post 76408)
I've asked the people who told me some of these stories and alot of them come from nashville, where alot of people are triing to make it in the music scene. I've had so called producers come to my show to check out certain singers. Having been in the music scene if a producer can't check you out at one of your live shows and doesn't have a studio to hear you sing in you probably don't want them to produce your songs. Like most of you have said its about having fun. and i'm glad to see you agree

I'm a singer. Moonlighted a few as a KJ fill-in... but traditionally a singer nonetheless. I HAVE been to a show like that. I was in California, at a rather popular location, in a rather large hotel chain lounge that did karaoke. I came in about 30 mins into the 4 hour show. Never been to the show before. Someone else told me about it. It took me the better of 2 mins to pick out my song and when I turned it in, the KJ looked me up and down, put my slip in a TIME CARD PUNCH, and snarled "thanks".

Granted, I'm not much to look at, but ****-it, I'm a customer!!! After THREE hours, I still did not get called to sing, yet the rotation came and went a few times. When I asked the KJ his reply was, "I don't know you, can you even sing?!?!?!" I was sooooooo insulted, I just left.

It only takes one moment to lose a customer FOREVER. I remember the hotel and the KJ. He's out of business... and I will never stay at that hotel for employing a pig!

mindonstrike September 4th, 2008 06:59 AM


Originally Posted by RailMom (Post 80904)
I'm a singer. Moonlighted a few as a KJ fill-in... but traditionally a singer nonetheless. I HAVE been to a show like that. I was in California, at a rather popular location, in a rather large hotel chain lounge that did karaoke. I came in about 30 mins into the 4 hour show. Never been to the show before. Someone else told me about it. It took me the better of 2 mins to pick out my song and when I turned it in, the KJ looked me up and down, put my slip in a TIME CARD PUNCH, and snarled "thanks".

Granted, I'm not much to look at, but ****-it, I'm a customer!!! After THREE hours, I still did not get called to sing, yet the rotation came and went a few times. When I asked the KJ his reply was, "I don't know you, can you even sing?!?!?!" I was sooooooo insulted, I just left.

It only takes one moment to lose a customer FOREVER. I remember the hotel and the KJ. He's out of business... and I will never stay at that hotel for employing a pig!

Glad to hear that karma got the best of him.

It never ceases to amaze me when I hear these stories. Fortuneately I've never encountered these types.


KaraokeDj38030 September 5th, 2008 07:29 PM

Bad singers

Originally Posted by CerealKiller (Post 76321)
I Can't believe this but I've heard many stories about it.

One customer told me this one. "I put my slip in and the kj told me it would be $10 to sing since he didn't know me and didn't know if I was good enough for his show."

another was not allowed to sing after his first attempted because he was not good enough.

yet another story was about a bar where if someone was bad the crowd whould boo them into never coming back.

Are these just stories or does this really happen?:e

Bad singers spend money too. I reallize we all like it better when everyone is singing really well, but I would never tell a bad singer no just to please the crowd. That beinging said I would tell some who is way to drunk to sing NO.

Please let me know if you run a show like this or if you know of a show where only the good singers get to sing. or you have to pay to sing unless your good.:e

Unfortunatly we all run into the bad singer or two I have even been told that one of our customers is only allowed a two song limit. I Have told the bar owners at all my shows if I don't have a rotation more than 10 or more singers sorry that person will more than likely sing more than two songs. THE POINT IS HE IS A PAYING Customer and a regular customer if he is there he is going to sing. However 2 songs is about all I can get folks in to sing because I have a rotation of 40 or more singers and then I also have to incoorperate dance intermissions in there for the non-singers. With that said I do know of several places where the BAR owner forbids this one person from singing that is why he is a regular customer at my shows because I run a FAIR SHOW FOR ALL. And yes when he is singing I do go out to the beer garden to save my ears from Bleeding. But come back in and praise him for a JOB WELL DONE>

captnkarl December 16th, 2008 03:24 PM

Well, I have told only one singer that he can't sing anymore...I don't care if he is a paying customer. This particular guy (I think he is also mentally challenged) eats all the free popcorn he can, and spits abnormally into the mic (popcorn and all). I have recently bought an extra set of mics for these people and put foam on it...told him to leave it on but he takes it off anyway and laughs about it. told him again and again to knock it off so he then sticks the mic in front of the speakers and thinks the feedback is funny......HE IS DONE......I don't care if he is slow or not, the grossest thing is to pick up a sloppy popcorn splattered mic.

billyo December 16th, 2008 04:18 PM

i've been to a show where singers are not allowed to sing any slow songs, has to be rock, classic rock etc..and if someone wants to sing a slow song the kj has to ask permission from the bar owner, needless to say the bar is now closed for business...

mindonstrike December 16th, 2008 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by captnkarl (Post 87315)
Well, I have told only one singer that he can't sing anymore...I don't care if he is a paying customer. This particular guy (I think he is also mentally challenged) eats all the free popcorn he can, and spits abnormally into the mic (popcorn and all). I have recently bought an extra set of mics for these people and put foam on it...told him to leave it on but he takes it off anyway and laughs about it. told him again and again to knock it off so he then sticks the mic in front of the speakers and thinks the feedback is funny......HE IS DONE......I don't care if he is slow or not, the grossest thing is to pick up a sloppy popcorn splattered mic.

That's one mic I wouldn't want to use.
Sounds like you were more patient than I would have been.
It's too bad, I try to bend over backwards for people with special needs but when the show starts to suffer and hence your livelihood, you have to draw the line.


billyo December 16th, 2008 09:57 PM

maybe it's just me,but whenever i go to and sing at a karaoke place i always take the foam off the mic..( can't tell how many mouths been /spits is on that mic) i know you guys knows this but when you buy a mic and you just dont like how it sounds, you wont be able to returned it or get your money back..they said it was for health reason. ( unless there is something wrong with it ) i think thats the only music gear that there is no money back guaranty.

bryant December 16th, 2008 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by billyo (Post 87365)
maybe it's just me,but whenever i go to and sing at a karaoke place i always take the foam off the mic..( can't tell how many mouths been /spits is on that mic) .

Doesn't that same spit contact the mic w/o the foam as well.:r

billyo December 16th, 2008 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by bryant (Post 87366)
Doesn't that same spit contact the mic w/o the foam as well.:r

that's true but you can always wiped it of, i just usually turn my back away from the crowd and wipe it off with a napkin without being to obvious..

RailMom December 16th, 2008 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by billyo (Post 87365)
maybe it's just me,but whenever i go to and sing at a karaoke place i always take the foam off the mic..( can't tell how many mouths been /spits is on that mic) i know you guys knows this but when you buy a mic and you just dont like how it sounds, you wont be able to returned it or get your money back..they said it was for health reason. ( unless there is something wrong with it ) i think thats the only music gear that there is no money back guaranty.

Billy, where are your shows in Florida?

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