View Full Version : Is the audio slowed down? - No, Keyrite only changes the pitch

January 3rd, 2002, 11:03 AM
I just started using Keyrite, and so far, I think it's great! The changes the software makes seem pretty natural. However, do I notice just the slightest bit of slow-down in the processed track after it has been key changed, or is it just my imagination?

January 3rd, 2002, 10:05 PM
Well, I'll forward this on to our programmer to see what he thinks. We have never had this reported before, so I don't think it is actually happening. We use a very sophisticated algorithm, and it might have sample rate correction as part of the processing.

I'll try to get back to you on this with a second post after I get an answer. :w

January 7th, 2002, 12:25 PM
Our programmer who wrote Keyrite has reported "Keyrite should NOT change sample rate at all. As far as I know it is exact." He wrote the code from scratch based on a proven algorithm. He is the best Digital Signal Processing (DSP) programmer I have had available to me in 31 years, so I am confident this is a correct answer.