View Full Version : Will Microstudio play wav. files? - Not currently.

Don Thomas
June 5th, 2001, 10:47 PM
I have Imported, Duplicated and used Custom Assembly with wav. files with Microstudio 2.303 but cannot figure out how to play them from my hard drive. All tabs but the "Play" tab have a selection between CDG or WAV. Am I missing something or do I have not way of playing these WAV. files after I put them on my hard drive.

June 5th, 2001, 11:37 PM
We will be rewriting the play library this summer and add in playing WAV files. For now, use the Windows media player.

I'll see if we can't put the controls on now with a message when you click the WAV button stating you cannot play WAV files in this version.

Am I to understand that all went well in the three tabs? Until you can play these WAV files, we shouldn't assume it is working correctly yet. I just now sent out emails to our Microstudio beta testers to come get V2.304. It is not the final release, but we found almost all the bugs reported, or so I believe we did :)

It feels very solid with the little time I have put on it. I hope to release V2.305 between June 12-20.