View Full Version : Need to load DK Millenium, no data in library

January 3rd, 2004, 06:11 PM
Hi I just got hoster loaded and do i need to load every single song of the DK millinium or is there a download somewhere.

Need help


January 3rd, 2004, 07:48 PM
millinium consist of Premier (1101-1115) encore1 &2(2001 - 2035)and applause (3036-3100) maybe their numbers are present. Look on the discs and see if the codes are present
millinium listed in KJPro contains these code (1101-1115)(2001-2035) and (3036-3100) looks like that might be the answer.

hope this answers your question

January 4th, 2004, 07:06 AM
If you are asking is there some way to get the KMA songs directly loaded to your computer from other than your CDG discs, the answer is no. Each track you want must be imported. Depending on your drive, it will be from 8 to 15 minutes. Some CDG discs, such as SC, can be very poor quality and may take longer to import as the drive must read the track many times before it gets a good track.

First, be sure you select the Tools menu CDR/DVDR Default Drive setting to your drive you will use for importing.

In the Import Track Screen, in the Brand field, click the dropdown arrow and type in D. It will scroll to Dangerous, with DKKaraoke just below.

Scroll down to DKMillinium.

Click the DiscID field dropdown arrow. You will see all the ID numbers from 1101-1115, 2001-2035, 3001-3036-3100.

Place the disc you want to first import in the CDR drive and select its Brand and DisID settings for it.

Click the Read CD Tracks button. All the tracks for that song will appear, with the Song and Artist name fields filled in.

Click the Select All button, or click only the tracks you want to individually import.

Click the Import Selected Tracks button.

Take a swig of java whiile it imports.

Do the same with each disc.

January 19th, 2004, 05:56 PM
If all you are looking for is disc, title and artist info, I have that in Access format. Do you have Microsoft Access? Let me know if that would be of use to you, if not, I could export as a text file, or some other format if you wish. PM me I'll see what I can do for you.


January 27th, 2004, 12:25 PM
I read through the threads here and I re-checked my data base info and all I see is DK Karaoke, no DKK millinneum
I was able to find the correct titles just by finding the disc numbers looking in the Disc ID# after selecting DK Karaoke.

Along these same lines, Why so many different Brand subtitles why not just Top hits monthly then DiscID#, the way it is right now, You to look for Top Hits Monthly Platinum , or Pop, or best of pop or sc Female, ect. Just Sound Choice, or DK or Top Hits, under brand and then DiscID takes care of itself.
Just an idea, not a slam.


January 27th, 2004, 09:40 PM
We used to have one Sound Choice, one Chartbusters, one Chart Hits Monthly... but folks requested the Series to be with the Brand name. You will find the Series name on the disc along with the DiscID.

Can't please everyone, but the majority must rule. :r

Personally, I would agree with you... but I was voted down by our users. :w

January 27th, 2004, 10:19 PM
Sensible and Democratic,

Thanks for the reply.